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Meet the tardigrade, the toughest animal on earth - Thomas Boothby
"Sans eau, un humain ne peut survivre qu’environ 100 heures. Mais il y existe une créature si résistante qu'elle peut s’en passer pendant des décennies. Cet animal d’1 millimètre peut survivre dans les environnements les plus chauds comme les plus froids sur la terre. Il peut même résister à des niveaux élevés de radiation.” Thomas Boothby nous présente le tardigrade, l'une des créatures les plus coriaces vivante sur la Terre.

Brrr...méfiez-vous !

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Pour en savoir plus sur Thomas Boothby :

Pour en savoir plus sur les Tardigrades :


Tardigrades are everywhere
Tardigrades are everywhere
Tardigrades are everywhere
Tardigrades are everywhere
Tardigrades, a though animal !
A chubby height leg gummy bear
Tardigrade, one the thoughest animal
Small but resistant
Most organisms need water to survive
that take place in cells ...
Tardigrades, also called Water Bear
But they aren't alone !
single-celled organisms : archaea ..
the Selaginella lepidophylla
Even other animals survive drying up
The tardigrades tun state
The tardigrades tun state
The tardigrades tun state
The tardigrades tun state
The tardigrades tun state
They synthesize special molecules
A tardigrade survival lesson
Tardigrades survive extreme stresses
They can tolerate extreme stresses
Tardigrades survive extreme stresses
Tardigrades survive extreme stresses
Tardigrades survive extreme stresses
Are tardigrades extraterrestrials?
Are tardigrades extraterrestrials?
Are tardigrades extraterrestrials?
Are tardigrades extraterrestrials?
Tardigrades come from earth
Because Tardigrades are so hardy
Tardigrades are in diverse biomes
Tardigrades are in diverse biomes
Tardigrades are in diverse biomes
Tardigrades are in diverse biomes
Tardigrades are in diverse biomes
Tardigrades are in parks and forests
It's easy to find tardigrades !
If we can understand Tardigrades ...
If we can understand Tardigrades ...
If we can understand Tardigrades ...
If we can understand Tardigrades ...
If we can understand Tardigrades ...
If we can understand Tardigrades ...
... and how to safeguard astronauts.
The #yesMen worked on it for years
Could life survive somewhere else?




Written by - Thomas Boothby

Script Editor - Emma Bryce

Design & Direction - Rémi Cans

Animation - Atypicalist

Sound Design & Music - Erwann Chandon

Narration - Addison Anderson

Video produced by Atypicalist (formerly Boniato Studio) in 2017.

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